Awarded - The Gold Standard Learning Outside the Classroom Quality Badge.

Sunday, 24 December 2017

Happy Christmas to all our visitors and followers. Have a great time.

Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Going Underground

We were asked by the Field Study Centre ( FSC ) in North Wales, if we could deliver outdoor education sessions for their annual staff conference. 

One of the sessions we offered was a visit to Rhiwbach slate mine. Closed since 1950 it now provides a unique adventure and education setting for many of our groups. Thanks goes to FSC for asking us to help out and what a wonderful group you gave us.

Sunday, 10 December 2017

Chilly out there

The final phase of the ml training course is a 2 day expedition. This so called mini break gives candidates time to put into place all the skills learnt in the previous 4 days.  

In addition to this, a night navigation training sessions ensures candidates can navigate in the dark. It was a chilly few days out there but everyone rose to the challenge.

Thursday, 7 December 2017


Emergency rope work kept our candidates focused today. Keeping it simple was the theme. Great location choice ensured we stayed sheltered from the high winds.

A key aspect of a mountain leader is having the ability to deal with steep ground issues.

Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Client Care

The theme on how we look after our clients in the mountains, was the main theme of day 2. Added in was plenty of discussion on how can we motivate them and what can we teach them. Lots of ideas on what we can teach clients, such as weather, flora, environmental impact, navigation and Welsh mountain sheep.

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Summer Mountain Leader Training

Today we started our last ML course of the year. It has been a busy year for the centre in view of ML courses and even though this is our last course we are still excited to be running the course.

Day one has been navigation based with environment input and leadership. Navigation is a key aspect of a mountain leader so detail is important.